Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Signs of Baby Teeth Growth

baby teeth

The growth of the baby teeth have a different period. Usually the growth of the baby teeth begin at the age of 4 months - 6 months. However it is possible if less than the age, or the age exceeded. Every parent can not predict the growth of her baby teeth.

But parents can see some marks on the baby if the teeth start to grow. Some babies will feel very uncomfortable when the growth of teeth, and the impact of the babies will cry more. But there also are undergoing a process of teething baby quickly, without being distracted at all.

Baby teeth growth generally can be seen from some of the following signs:

     Often salivate
Baby teeth growth stimulating saliva, and usually starts to look more often salivate from the age of 10 weeks.

     Rash in some parts of the body
Because often salivate, and frequent contact with the saliva of the baby's body parts, among others, face, neck, mouth area etc. This causes a rash that disturbing for the baby. Wiped the saliva with a handkerchief very helpful. Or give the baby special skin cream is also very helpful.

     Babies often bite
Do not be upset when your baby begins to bite your nipples during breastfeeding, this indicates that the baby is experiencing pressure on the teeth that will come out, and irritate the gums which acted through a bite.

Some passed the teething baby with pain caused by inflammation of the soft tissues, especially during their first molars grow.

Cough caused because the intensity of saliva that more and cause a baby to choke or cough.

     Refusing to eat
Because some of the pain suffered by the baby, the majority refused to eat, even refusing to breastfeed because inflammation of the gums. However try to keep the baby was given breastmilk.

     Low fever
Usually appearing caused because immunity is low when the baby teeth growth appears. If the fever is more than 3 days consult a doctor.

     Pull the ear or cheek rub
This happens because the baby is upset because the itching caused by the growth of the baby teeth.

     Hematosa gums
Seen some reddened gums such as swelling, can be overcome with the help of a cold compress.

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