Friday, February 20, 2015

Children Fever with right abdominal pain, might be Appendicitis

Appendicitis in medical language called appendicitis. Appendicitis is a disease that attacks the human appendix. Appendicitis is usually characterized by fever, abdominal pain accompanied on the right.
According to Dr. dr Marisaa Pudjiadi TS SpA, as quoted by, appendicitis begins with discomfort or pain in the pit of the stomach which then moves to the lower right abdomen with more severe pain.

Pain intestines were different from other pains. The pain is localized in the lower right abdomen. Severe pain sometimes makes the child does not want to stand up straight, even people prefer to lie down while bending your right leg. Should we all know, the position of the body such as lying down or bending the right leg is a way to reduce the pain caused by the disease.

The most terrible is when inflammation of the bowel is ruptured and then spread to all other parts in the stomach. If this happens, then the necessary action immediately with surgery because if too late could result in the loss of life of patients.

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