Friday, February 13, 2015

How to make natural fresh red lips without lipstick

How to make natural fresh red lips without lipstick

Natural Red Lips

Who would not want a healthyand red lips. Perhaps every womanwants and men do not blame the color of their lips. There areseveral factors thatcause your lips appearblackish. This is due to the continuous use oflipstick that causes the lips become dry andlooks blackened.

How to redden lips Naturally, choose some of them: 


licking the lips
  1. Wipe honey to the lips every day routine. Leave 15 minutes, then wash off with warmwater. 
  2. Prepare as much lime juice 2 tablespoons. 2 tablespoons warmwater. Combine lemon juice and warm water, and stir. Applyto your lipsand leave 10-15minutes. Rinse with warm water. 
  3. Combine honey orsugar with a fewdrops of olive oil. Rub on your lips. Wait and rinsewith clean water. 
  4. Wipe rose water on the lips before going to bed. How to use rose watercan be done every day. 
  5. Apply a small amount of butter evenlyto lips. Do itbefore going to bed. 
  6. Mix turmeric powder with 1 tablespoon milk. Stir until smooth and apply to lips for approximately 5 minutes, then wash with water. 
  7. Prepare 50 grams of mashed avocado and 2-3 drops of oliveoil. Then mix theavocado with oliveoil. Apply evenly on the lips. Leave ituntil 6 minutesand rinse usingclean water. Do it before going to bed. 
  8. Beneficial almond oilprovides moisture to the lips. Prepare almondoil, apply to lipsbefore bed. 
  9. blend some coriander leaves and mix with water. Apply onlips evenly andlet stand 20 minutes. Clean mouth withwarm water. 
  10. Olive Oil
    Rose Water
  11. Stay away from caffeinated drink such as coffeeand leave the smoking habit. This is because the nicotine contained in cigarettes can make black lips. The habit of licking the lips can cause the lips to be more quick to dry and pale.

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