Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Food and Drinks That Can Lowering Cholesterol

Cholesterol can be categorized into two: good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol or HDL is vitally important role in the body, especially to help the absorption of essential fatty acids and also produce sex hormones.

However, that must be avoided is the bad cholesterol or LDL which can lead to accumulation of fat in the blood vessels which then can lead to a heart attack.

Basically, cholesterol naturally occurring in the body. However, the level of cholesterol in the body can also be increased by the intake of food consumed by humans.

Hence, one of the keys to control cholesterol levels in the body is to limit foods that are rich sources of cholesterol into the body.

In addition, many foods that can help lower cholesterol levels in the body can also help. Here are foods and beverages that can lower your cholesterol levels.

Fish and Omega 3

Urgency eat fish and omega 3 is very high to prevent some diseases that are highly recommended to consume on a regular basis.

A diet rich in omega-3 can reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the risk of blood clots and also can lower blood pressure. Health experts recommend to eat fish rich in omega-3 as much as 2 servings during the week.

Studies that have been done at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found results that people with type 2 diabetes who ate fish rich in omega 3 for 9 weeks was experiencing a decrease in the concentration and size of the type of cholesterol in the body.


In a study published in the journal ever Diabetes Care found that by simply taking ½ teaspoon of cinnamon a day can reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, Cinnamon has also been shown to effectively reduce the levels of triglycerides, LDL, and total cholesterol levels in the body.


Probably not many people know that it turns nuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids which are very helpful in reducing the levels of risk of heart disease.

Nuts like Walnuts and Almonds can help lower cholesterol. Penn State Study shows that taking Green Walnuts impact on the levels of bad cholesterol significantly.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are foods that contain lots of vitamins and function in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. These fruits including apples, grapes, Apricot while the vegetables include cabbage, garlic, and sweet potato.

In addition to cholesterol-free, fruit and vegetables are also very rich in fiber and pectin which is the second element is evident in lowering cholesterol levels.

Red Grape

A study conducted by Dr. Jane Freedman of the Boston University Medical School reveals that people who drink wine in 14 days in a row will raise total cholesterol and HDL or good cholesterol.

Juice Grape or Red Grape is famous for its high antioxidant content which play a role in helping to increase HDL levels in the blood.

Lemon juice

According to the American Dietetic Association, the content of limonoids in Lemon is useful to reduce levels of bad cholesterol. Additionally, lemon is also very rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences has reported that citamin C derived from lemons after consumed during the 30 days can lower bad cholesterol significantly.


Research on epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is the most dominant bioactive components in tea shown to prevent acceleration (acceleration) the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL).

By regularly drink tea every day in a reasonable amount would be beneficial to reduce the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis which can trigger heart disease. Good cholesterol is needed by the body, while the bad cholesterol can cause health problems for the body.

How to lower bad cholesterol in the body of excess is to consistently consume food and beverages at the top of which has been proven both scientifically and empirically in lowering bad cholesterol levels. From now on, record and consume food and drink on a regular basis and consistently.

Monday, February 23, 2015

don't sit too long, there is some risk of health problems

sit to long can increase health problems

Do you know if it is too long sitting at the office desk at risk of health problems? What are the risks?

1. The emergence of stress

Stress too high sometimes arise in the workplace, because you are in the office that has small size then you will have difficulties in releasing and excite your tension is a result of your body becomes more rigid as it tries to cope with stress. This brings with it a lot of stress-related illnesses such as headaches, digestive disorders, and so on.

2. Boredom
Sitting too long in front of a computer screen all day will cause boredom that accumulate. You will be very difficult to take care of your own work. Boredom will make you depressed. According to one study, people who are bored at work they could just suddenly died of a heart attack or stroke.

3. Indigestion
Digestive disorders arise because of the germs that get into your mouth, how come? The number of disease-causing microorganisms in office equipment such as keyboards, printers, copiers, and so nearly five times more than in the bathroom, when you take your snacks by hand, without knowing the hand you've just touched office equipment earlier. When germs attack the body then there will be an infection of the intestine, one of the disease is diarrhea-diarrhea.

4. carpel tunnel syndrome
Is a syndrome which occurs clamping of the nerves in the wrist. Typing too much can cause a disease called carpel tunnel syndrome. This syndrome can cause nerve damage and therefore typing continuously without a break.

5. Obesity
Working in front of a computer is usually accompanied also by some snacks and food. Without realizing these foods actually increase the levels of fat in the body. Most fast food, snack and snack high in saturated fat and calories which only adds to the accumulation of fat in the body. This eventually leads to obesity and other related diseases.

Friday, February 20, 2015


sleeping well

Sleeping position is sometimes difficult to change because it has become a habit and sometimes if we do not get the usual sleeping position, we will be difficult to fall asleep. But do you know if the sleep position has an impact and influence on health.

The sleeping position is the body configuration assumed by a person during or prior to sleeping. Six basic sleeping positions have been identified:

  • Fetus (41%) – curling up in a fetal position. This was the most common position, and is especially popular with women.
  • Log (15%) – lying on one's side with the arms down the side.
  • Yearner (13%) – sleeping on one's side with the arms in front.
  • Soldier (8%) – on one's back with the arms pinned to the sides.
  • Freefall (7%) – on one's front with the arms around the pillow and the head tilted to one side.
  • Starfish (5%) – on one's back with the arms around

  • Sleep in the supine position. This position is great for balancing the weight keeping state organs in the body. This position is very to the spine because it can reduce neck pain and back pain after waking. But it's good on the knees / legs propped up using pillows to help alignment forms the back. But sleep in this position will result in those who are obese can be snoring, snoring can be very hard even once so wake sleeping friend. 
  • Sleeping on your side. Sleep in a tilted position is actually the same as when we first position is still in the mother's womb. Legs bent with holding pillow between your legs. Sleep in this position can reduce pressure on the back. It should be remembered, when side sleeping position, try to keep the pillow on the head so that the head does not go down and the spine remains in a neutral position 
  • Sleeping Stomach. The prone sleeping position is not recommended for this type of sleep is very risky to your spine. "Sleeping on his stomach make the natural curve of the spine becomes flat and make your head turned to one side all night. It can disrupt the alignment of the spine in the neck," said Jonathan FitzGordon, an Alignment Specialist from NYC. In addition, the neck will hurt having to prop up the head. As a result, you will wake up with neck pain and tingling in the back and neck area.


Believe it or not, but wash your hands in the middle of a conversation around the world, even the world campaigning to become a culture that we call culture of handwashing. Actually, Indonesia has long been promoting hand washing was proved when we were in elementary school we used to be taught by the teacher how to wash hands properly, but it must be admitted, in recent years, hand washing has been taught in schools now disappeared. Admittedly still a lot of people who are lazy to wash hands, especially in those with low education and low concern.
When do we have to wash your hands? Wash hands not only before and after meals and before bed. Wash hands it should be done as often as possible after we touched foreign objects or outside our place, or it could be after we hold an object which we doubt it clean.

Remember, holding an object that we do not know it clean, it means that we have moved millions of germs that are not known to us from the hand into the mouth. Furthermore, these germs will then go into the mouth and breed in our bodies.

Why are we lazy hand washing? Our laziness hand washing is due to our ignorance of what the worst possible thing that could happen to us. Moreover, the habit of eating snacks and meals at places slob makes us forget to wash your hands.

Let us imagine something like this; We're going to ride the train station every day, suddenly the person next to you sneeze, sneeze with to wrap his hand to his nose and mouth. Hand former sneezes close them and then put back on the handle of the wagon seat. When the men left, accidentally our hands, we put in place the person's hand. That's when the chair to transfer germs from our hands. Once off the train, we bought breakfast and holding fried by hand earlier. That's when the transfer of germs from hands to our mouths, and within six hours later, we will join sneezing like men.

Then how, what should we do next? It's easy, try to wash your hands frequently, from habit and make culture. That way hopefully we avoid infection.